GRENKE Operating Rental for Digital Signage Monitors and Totems

It is possible to obtain equipment with payment in instalments in the form of operating leasing/rental. Srl Benefit. is a partner affiliated with Grenke (, a company specialising in this specific sector, to which the relevant requests can be sent via our company.
Operating leasing is an alternative formula to purchasing and leasing that allows entrepreneurs and companies to have the necessary goods and services at their disposal through the payment of a periodic fee, for a predetermined duration (24 to 36 months).
In particular, operating leases allow, against payment of a fixed periodic fee, to have the availability of an instrumental asset for one’s profession or business activity, without acquiring ownership. It is a service that allows continuous technological renewal, avoiding the risk of obsolescence of company assets.
Operating rental is possible starting from a net purchase price of 500.00 euros and up to 100,000 euros, with a fixed rental fee.
To be eligible for operating rental, the company must have been established for at least 24 months.
Advantages of leasing:
- Simple Management
- Fixed monthly fees;
- Leased assets do not depreciate (because the lease payments are considered a service) and consequently do not appear in the balance sheet;
- Always up-to-date technology
The duration of the rental is commensurate with the normal useful life of the asset and allows for easier technological renewal, counteracting the obsolescence of assets.
- Tax Benefit
- The fee is fully deductible, with no time constraints (such as in leasing) related to the depreciation of assets. In fact, the fees relating to the technology in the financial statements are recorded as “services” and not as “fixed assets”;
- total deductibility also for IRAP purposes
- Financial Profit
Since it is not considered a financial transaction, it does not affect bank credit lines and does not have an impact on any other loan or mortgage applications in the Centrale Rischi (Central Credit Register).
- Security in planning
Constant fees make cost planning easier.
- Allows more investment in less time
Low and regular fees instead of an onerous initial investment.
- Greater flexibility and simplicity
Leasing offers the possibility of maintaining current liquidity while reducing expenses. In fact, unlike the traditional purchase, which requires payment in advance before even starting to use the product, GRENKE rental offers rentals that start to expire when the new investment is already profitable;
- Greater flexibility and simplicity
The operating lease can easily be changed during the course of the lease (introduction/replacement of leased assets). In particular, it is possible to renew the company’s technology park even before the natural expiry of the contract. In addition, operating rental is easy to manage thanks to quarterly invoices and automated direct debit payments, with no collection fees.
How to activate GRENKE rental
To apply for financing in the form of an operating lease, it is necessary, after choosing the products of interest from our catalogue, to send the following information and documentation to
- a copy of the identity card (double-sided) of the signatory of the contract;
- a copy of the tax code or health card (double-sided) of the signatory of the contract;
- the personal residence of the signatory;
- the telephone number of the signatory;
- company data (i.e. registered office, VAT number, landline and mobile phone number, email, date of commencement of business and corporate purpose);
- a copy of the Chamber of commerce company registration certificate not older than 3 months;
- IBAN and account holder for direct debit;
- indication of the number of instalments in which you are interested.
AT THE END OF THE RENTAL: The customer has four options:
- Return the asset to Grenke, terminating the contract;
- Extend the rental agreement, maintaining the asset, by sending a specific request to Grenke with at least 30 days’ notice of the expiry of the rental agreement;
- Return the asset to Grenke and enter into a new rental agreement to update its Set Up, choosing technologically more advanced and recent assets.
- Redeem the asset;
All leased assets are subject to compulsory insurance coverage. The customer has two options:
- Insure themselves directly with Grenke, through “All Risks” insurance against fire, theft, accidental damage and weather, etc.
- Send Grenke, upon conclusion of the contract or, in any case, within 30 days of invoicing, a copy of your insurance policy with the updated General Terms and Conditions, together with your own insurance declaration form.
If the customer decides to take out insurance with Grenke, the customer shall pay Grenke the cost incurred by Grenke in insuring the goods. In this case, the amount to be paid in a single payment once a year, varies according to the purchase price of the leased property (with a minimum of €96.00).
There is a deductible of €150.00+VAT for each claim.
IMPORTANT: Various warranty extensions cannot be included in the rental as the product remains the property of the rental company.
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